OpenGL Physics Test
Created without any libraries outside of the included opengl maths libraries, this project includes collision detection and resolution.
The demo has 6 models of crash bandicoot orbiting around a model of mecha bandicoot from crash twinsanity almost all of them colliding into the big model in the centre eventually to showcase the basic physics.
The scene has basic controls;
WASD: to move the camera around (Unless the simulation is running in which case it will control a crash (non selectable will always control the first crash (one on the middle left)).
G: Pauses and unpauses the simulation.
H: Toggles simulation to pause at the end of each step.
Q: Resets the scene (minor memory leak of ~10mb dont press more than 255 times).
R: Toggles clear buffer
1: Toggle shows the generated collision mesh for every object
All of the scene settings can be found in SceneGeneration underneath the main function in main.cpp